long meadow prospect park

Phil Birge-Liberman

Assistant Professor in Residence, Urban & Community Studies

Education: Ph.D. Geography, Syracuse University

Teaching Interests: Urban geography focusing on urban redevelopment, sustainability cities, and historical geography of urban parks, qualitative research methods, and theories of urban planning.

Research Interests: I have three main areas of research. 1). The geographical history of the creation, deterioration, and restoration of urban parks designed by Frederick Law Olmsted. 2). The ways in which urban parks, like the High Line, act as environmental amenities helping to open up urban spaces for re-investment and potentially leading to gentrification. 3). The scholarship of teaching and learning through inquiries into the impact of service learning pedagogy on student learning.


(203) 236-9813


99 East Main St.
Waterbury, CT 06702

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  1. Jan 6 Apply to Become a Pepper Scholar All Day
  2. Jan 6 Art Exhibit in Celeste LeWitt Gallery (North Side of the Food Court) All Day
  3. Jan 6 Business of Farming Online Course, Cohort 1 All Day
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